Saturday, July 30, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal - July 30, 2011

In my life this week...
I succeeded in doing something I've never done before - driving from one state to another without anyone to follow or take over the driving for me.  My son & I went down to Mannassas, VA for the events surrounding the 150th anniversary of the First Battle of Mannassas.  I didn't get lost (too badly), no tickets, and no accidents.  Trusting in the Lord to get us through a blinding downpour on PA Rt 15 was a faith-building experience and one that has given me more confidence in trying new things.

In our homeschool this week...
My son and I learned even more about the Battle of Bull Run & Gettysburg.  Other than that, nothing else seems to have been accomplished.

Helpful homeschooling advice to share...
Try to enjoy your summer vacation.  I am finding it nice to just be able to rest and get daily chores done without having to juggle so many things and dropping most of them.

I am inspired by...
Our Marine Corps.  My son and I toured the USMC Museum last Sunday.  Reading the accounts of the various battles and the soldiers, gave me an even deeper respect for those I've always admired.

Places we are going & people we are seeing...
The biggest reason we went to Virginia was to see the re-enactment of the first major battle of the Civil War.  It is impossible to describe the impact of over 8,000 re enactors on the field - rifles firing, cannons shaking the ground, smoke filling the air.  This 2-hour long re-enactment was worth the over-16 hours in the car.   We spent some time at the Mannassas Battlefield Park, USMC Museum, and had a QUICK tour of Gettysburg on the way home.  Seeing Big Round Top was a thrill for Mike.

As far as people - we stayed with my "sis", her hubby, and their sweet one-year old daughter.  My "sis" and I grew up with our families being very close.  As she and I had no sisters, we adopted each other long ago.  It's sad not having her nearby, any longer, but VA is where she found her wonderful husband and I am thrilled at the happy life they've made together.

Once we returned home, life didn't slow down.  We went to our CHOICE Kids Club on Tuesday, went blueberry-picking and swam at a beach on Thursday, went to our home-town parade on Thursday night which was followed by trip down to the carnival for some steamed clams and a stroll.  Friday night, I took my middle child to the County Fair for some mommy/daughter time.  We saw her older sisters who are working there most of the week.  Katrina rode the rides, ate cotton candy, saw the fireworks, and watched the Greased Pole event.  She went to bed just before mid-night.  Oh yes, summertime is a wonderful time!!!

My favorite thing this week...
There are so many things, it's hard to choose a favorite.
1) Spending the weekend alone with my oldest.  No clue how many more times that will ever happen.
2) Seeing my children enjoy the Parade on Thursday
3) Seeing my daughter smile and laugh on the rides at the Fair

Thoughts I have...
Somewhere along the line this week, I had a sort of "revelation" or "break-through."  For sometime, I've been a bit frustrated with the slow progress of my photo "business."  Everywhere  you look, there's another photographer.  People I know are constantly getting more clients, better equipment, etc.  However, when I heard about 2 photographers that I know and what they were accomplishing and purchasing it dawned on me:  these people do not have families.  If they do, they are smaller and younger.  I realized that, while I am envying their apparent success, they may trade it all in for what I have that is "hindering" my photography success - my sweet family.  THEY are the treasure.  THEY are what I'm investing in.  Maybe the time I've spent with my children this week made me more aware of it.  I do know this, I am enjoying my photography and my family more now that I've had this realization.  God is good & gracious!

Things I'm working on...
Check my last journal entry.  Basically the same! :)

I'm reading...
"Julia's Hope" by Leisha Kelley, a depression-era Christian novel that, so far, is proving quite interesting.  Before beginning this book, I finished, "Young Pioneers" by Rose Wilder Lane.  A great short novel written by the daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder, it was very reminiscent of her mother's tales.  For an instant, I wondered if she was "copying" her mother's books.  However, when I saw the copyright, I saw that she wrote it before her mom wrote her first Little House story.  It was so neat to see how this woman used the stories she had obviously heard while growing up to inspire her writing.  Obviously, Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't always intend to write books.  However, she always had a desire to keep her stories alive - evidenced by the fact that she told her stories to her daughter over and over.

I'm cooking...
I will be making blueberry jam later today and made a blueberry-crumb pie yesterday.  YUM!

I'm praying for...
My 10-year old daughter's out-patient surgery on Tuesday.

A couple of photos to share...
Of my sis & her sweet Esther Mae:

For more Homeschool Mother's Journals, go to The Homeschool Chick!  Better yet, join us!

1 comment:

Julie Coney said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog on the HSMJ. I always love comments!

you are so right about your business vs family. I know i get caught up in sometimes envying other's success. I have to remind myself that my family is my first priority right now, and the fun jobs I get to do from time to time are the icing on the cake.

also, thank you for your prayers for our pastor.