Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - September 25, 2011

In our homeschool this week...
We had our ups and downs, just like any other school week.  However, due to some meditating and soul-searching, I do believe it was a bit more joyful and peaceful.  We are well into our routine and that is good (though I'm hoping routine doesn't turn into rut too soon!).

Tuesday was a big test day.  I've come to realize that I dread grading tests about as much as my children dread taking them, but I am happy to report that most of the tests resulted in great scores!

My daughter incubated 31 chicken eggs and we had 17 hatch!  1 passed on into chick heaven yesterday and 2 little lives are hanging in the balance, though my vet-daughter is doing all she can to nurse them back to health.  She's also in her glory with three very young goats that arrived last week!

Helpful homeschool tips/advice to share...
Keep on going.  When you feel like skipping a day - don't.  You'll just be tempted to skip another.  Trust me on this one.  So glad I overcame temptation this week!

Places we are going/people we are seeing...
My two oldest girls painted a shed for a friend this past week.  It was a great first experience for them and one for which they were paid!  Other than that and the library, we stayed close to home...again! :)

My favorite thing this week was...
Having coffee & cheesecake with my mom as she told me all about her recent trip to Vermont & Maine. Made me feel like I was living back in those places again.  So want to return for a visit.  But, it was good to see my mom so happy and hear that she had the time of her life!

What's working/not working for us...
I'm loving the fact that my oldest daughter has taken over the task of writing out the weekly chore list.  I never even see her do it, but it's done every week.  I don't even have to think about it, but the chores continue to get accomplished!

Thoughts I have...
The Bible says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.  My heart has not been merry as of late, but this week, I made sure I smiled more.  I asked God to help me focus on what was important.  While I saw through my own life and through the Bible that it is impossible to be happy all the time, I can rest in Christ and do what He asks of me.  This is peace.

I'm reading...
My Lucky Life by Dick Van Dyke.  While interesting, I'm even more convinced that if one is a celebrity, they are able to get a book published and printed without it actually being edited for major grammatical flaws.  I did finish reading Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs.  What a book!!!  I am so grateful for the freedom I have and the love I am shown by those around me.

I'm praying for...
Missionaries and pastors, a courting couple, and my family.

A quote to share...
"What happens IN you is much more important than what's happening TO you." -Gary Beikirch (Congressional Medal of Honor recipient).

What happened in YOUR homeschool this week?  Share with us over at the Homeschool Chick!


Marcie said...

Learning the lesson of skipping days is a hard one. After last week though, I am learning it. It is so easy to put off until tomorrow, but then so difficult to get back on track.

RachelT said...

Hello! I am stopping by from THMJ. Yes, it is not always easy, but even do a lighter load instead of skipping an entire day of school helps us get much accomplished through the year. I will think of your verses tomorrow and remember to smile and enjoy the ride! Have a great week!